
LikeaFaucet is glad to introduce a new property system! 

We decided to decrease the number of properties and remove low interest rates all together. 

Overall renting time has been reduced significantly.

Users can now rent for 15, 30 or 45 days instead of 30, 60 or 120 days previously. The same goes for all membership plans. 

All property prices have been adjusted.

Respectable prices are now: 

100,000 coins for basic properties
250,000 coins for silver properties
500,000 coins for gold properties
1,000,000 coins for diamond properties

Low interest rates have been removed

Interest rates are now much higher then before.

Basic membership starts at 4% profit yearly based.
Silver membership starts at 10% profit yearly based.
Gold membership starts at 16% profit yearly based.
Diamond membership starts at 22% profit yearly based.

What comes next?

There is one big change we are working on for properties.
It's currently only possible to purchase one of each property. Soon it will be possible to rent as much properties as you want. 
(According to your membership plan ofcourse). 

Stay tuned!

Views: 1,152 | Comments: 0 | Date: 28 Mar 2023 15:55